Residential Roofing

Comprehensive Residential Roofing Solutions

Residential roof services cover a range of solutions to maintain and prolong the life of a home’s roof. These services include inspections, repairs, maintenance, and replacement. Our experts in this field work with different roofing materials, ensuring your home is protected while enhancing its aesthetic appeal.

Coastal Roofing Solutions for Lasting Protection

Living in a coastal city presents unique maintenance challenges, and our extensive local experience has taught us that a home's structural integrity starts with the roof. As the primary shield against severe weather, the condition of your roof is vital to your home's health. We are dedicated to keeping your roof robust and reliable year-round. Our services include:

  1. Shingle Roofing
  2. Metal Roofing
  3. Tile Roofing
  4. Low Slope Roofing

When to Consider Roof Repair or Replacement

Roof Repair

  1. If you notice broken, curled, or missing shingles on your roof, these are clear indicators that your roof requires immediate attention.
  2. Over time, the granules on asphalt shingle roofs may gradually deteriorate and find their way into your gutters.
  3. The presence of water stains on your ceilings or walls could potentially signal a roof leak.

Roof Replacement

  1. The majority of roofing systems have a lifespan of 15-20 years. If your roof is approaching or surpassing this timeframe, it may be wise to consider a complete overhaul.
  2. A warped roof indicates significant structural problems and often requires a replacement.
  3. If the damage extends beyond 30% of the roof surface, it is generally more economical to opt for replacement rather than repairs.

Our Working Process


Free Inspection

Our team will perform a thorough roof inspection and begin the process.



Upon completion of the roof inspection we will give our expert recommendations with your budget in mind.



We will schedule a convenient time for you to have your roof repaired or replaced.



After the roof service has been performed we will inspect and document before and after photos for the customers records.

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